Guys! Sorry for the lack of posts this week! It's been a crazy one with things at work getting busier as we rush towards the end of the year, fitness classes and gym visits happening every day, and generally being knackered at the end of it all - the amount of takeaways we've been having lately is shocking, there's barely time to eat dinner at the moment, let alone cook it! I'm sure most of you are feeling the same though. Isn't it crazy how busy it gets around this time of year, a time of year that, here in the southern hemisphere at least, is supposed to be a relaxing time spent soaking up the sun (although, you wouldn't have guessed it was summer after
what happened in Auckland yesterday) Oh well, you don't get something for nothing, and I guess working so hard towards a relaxing summer and festive season makes it all the more worth it in the end.
So, as an aplology for being such a naughty, slack blogger this week, here's some vintage loveliness I've collected on
Pinterest for you, to put a smile on your dial in preparation for the weekend. (And, as promised, there will be a NaNoWriMo post coming later today!)
Happy weekend peeps xo