le cinema


So currently, I'm in the middle of watching The Fall...And I think I'm in love. I haven't finished it (I started it pretty late last night and got tired so, to prevent spoiling it's full movie-watching effect with sleepiness, took a rain-check) but what I saw, I adored. The directing so far has really impressed me...I love the dynamic between Lee Pace and Alexandria. I really like that little girl. She is adorable. And just the filming in general of the movie is so beautiful. The opening shots and credits even impressed me. And the LOCATIONS. Oh god, the locations. The orange sand desert? the butterfly island? the palace? They were stunning. This makes me so much more excited for Where The Wild Things Are, knowing Spike Jonze "presented" (whatever that means) The Fall and directed WTWTA.

I've also been browsing Netflix's Instant Watch feature, going through some movies. Tooooo much. They've sucked away all my time. I've been extremely lazy and sleep deprived lately so I've watched far too many movie for my own good.

I watched We Are Wizards (Harry Potter documentary that was very different than what I was expecting but I liked it) an indie film called Teeth (fucking ridiculous movie. I am still bewildered by it) and Paris, Je T'aime. I originally watched this film because I felt like I HAD to before seeing NY, I Love You. And I loved it! My favorite shorts were the Coen Brothers piece, the Elijah Wood and the vampire one, the one with the blind man and Natalie Portman, and the one with Sophie and the man with the guitar...they were all unique but connected. I really liked them.

And since I have been so into movies lately, it's got me thinking of the fucking AMAZING movie season I have ahead of me. I'm looking forward to:

Where The Wild Things Are
New York, I Love You
Cold Souls
The Fantasic Mr. Fox
New Moon [I can't even lie. I'm going to see it.]
The Lovely Bones
The Princess and the Frog

aaaaaand I'm sure others will pop up in the coming months that I can look forward to but for now, I'm counting down until those :) any recommendations to keep me occupied?


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