It's only a few days away. I really can't wait. I have my sailor costume ready (Zooey Deschanel inspired, thank you very much) my pumpkin is bought and ready to be carved, my Halloween playlist is set up on my's all in motion. Now all I need is a place to go (my plans still aren't set in stone. EEEK.) but I'm READY.
I've always adored Halloween. It's my favorite part of autumn. Being the dress-up obsessed child-at-heart I am, any excuse to wear costumes and act silly is a good excuse. I just really adore the culture of Halloween in general...the bright oranges and reds, the pumpkins, the corny "scary" decorations outside of houses, the haunted houses, the trick-or-treating, the CANDY, the movies, the scary stories, the all makes me giddy. Halloween is probably my favorite holiday. Even above Christmas (maybe).
And when you think about it, the thing that really sets Halloween apart is it's versatility.
I mean, think about it:
When you're little, you get to dress up in any costume you could dream of, and go around to extravagantly decorated houses where adult strangers in silly costumes give you CANDY and it's socially accepted and A-OKAY! What else could a seven year old ever want?
Now once you're teenaged, let's say, you dress up and eat candy and this time you can go out and have reckless fun with your friends on the ONE night it's not frowned upon to do.
And then when you're an adult, Halloween becomes the ONE night of the year where you have a legitimate excuse to dress up like a child would and eat massive amounts of candy without looking like some cosplay-obsessed diabetic.