

Well, November has zoomed by in a haze of wedding planning, moving house, welcoming a new addition to our family - the cutest little maniac of a kitten who we call Jinx. Amongst all of this, two weekends ago before we moved, instead of packing (which I should have... most disorganised move ever) I had the sudden urge to write. Josh was out, and the place was quiet, so after watching a movie (The Mask! Oh man that was a blast from the past) I switched on my laptop and started furiously writing in the dark. I got about 3,000 words written and man did it feel good! So now I'm up to a total of 6,377 words with two days left of the month. Can I do it? Will the kitty let me or will she insist on chasing my fingers around the keyboard? I really don't know, but I'm going to try. I know 10,000 words is a tiny goal in the scheme of things, but it's a goal nonetheless, and it's good to have goals! How is everyone else going out there? Made it to 50,000 yet?

And here's a picture of the cuteness/procrastination tool that is Jinx...


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