But! Despite all this, I began my week organised and, although our flat is the messiest I've ever seen it, healthy eating is taking priority over cleaning, so it's staying that way until I get a break on the weekend.
A lot of diets fail, and my theory is that it's disorganisation that makes them fail. If you plan your week, think about what you're going to have for dinner the night before, make extra so you can have it for lunch the next day, cook the easy stuff when you're busy and get creative on the weekends, all should go well as it has for me this week - except last night, when it was Noodle Canteen for dinner at 9pm, which to me isn't all that bad as it's full of veggies and freshly cooked.
The skin isn't looking as good as it was in week 2, and I put that down to stress, but now I'm in a good rhythm and I'm forcing myself not to worry about the little things like tidying the house, so I'm confident it will look fab by next Saturday.
Hope you've all had a happy, healthy week xo