Feel good Friday


How is it Friday again already?! And February too! Hasn't January just flown by so fast? It's been a good month though. I hope January has been good to you all too! February is usually one of the busiest months of the year for us and this year is no different, so I'm looking forward to all the fun times to be had in this beautiful sunshine that's supposed to leave us on Sunday but come back in the middle of next week, so off to the beach we go in between everything else...!
I do realise this post is way too full of exclamation marks... but I. Just. Have. So. Much. Energy!! See yesterday's post (below) for why that is... So it's been a great week, and it is for sure a Feel VERY Good Friday.

Things making me happy this week:

My skin has nearly cleared completely after just a week of my new healthy eating regime
Started a new novel, and am 1500 words in already
Had a fabulous photo shoot with little sis, as part of an exciting new project we're working on (details soon)
Still loving this whole being engaged thing - it's been a month already!
Endless sunshine
Healthy meals
New-found energy!

What's making you happy this week friends?
Have a lovely weekend! xo

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