Coming soon to THE BLOG


Well, it's a new year, the best time to make changes, improvements, goals, plans, start projects, and dream, dream, dream. So although I don't want to change the blog too much, as it's ticking along quite nicely as it is, I will be adding a few more exciting things into the mix. Here's what's coming up:

A year of NZ fiction
I'm reading nothing but New Zealand fiction for the whole year because I feel like we don't give our own authors anywhere near enough recognition - we love our books, but our bookstores are so packed full of international popular fiction that ours is always shoved to the back, squished into a couple of shelves. Of all the bookstores in Wellington, there's only one I've seen that makes a big deal about NZ fiction and has it all laid out on tables in the front of the store, and so they should, it's something to be proud of. Anyway, that's what I'm doing, and I'll post more about it on the blog soon, with regular updates and reviews to come.

Editing the novel
I'm also in the process of editing the 50,000 word novel I wrote for NaNoWriMo - so far, it's not as bad as I thought. I hope to have it fully edited by June and published as an ebook and a paperback by the end of the year, so watch this space people!

Buy a piece of You May Say I'm a Dreamer
And finally, after visiting a small-town picture shop on my summer travels, I decided to make use of all of the creative photos I've taken over the years and start selling them mounted on photo blocks - I'll be keeping with the "dreaming" theme, so watch this space too!

Wedding Bells are ringing
Yes, there will be a few wedding posts here and there, but I promise You May Say I'm a Dreamer will not turn into a blog exclusively about weddings (I think I would drive myself, if not others, insane if I did that...).

So enjoy, and feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts, advice, anything you like really. Have a lovely Tuesday! :)


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