So despite being tucked up in bed by 8pm on boxing day with a full stomach, a little bit of sunburn and feeling tired and extremely grouchy, it was all totally worth it.
And now it's all over for another year so I think it's time to reflect on the best bits of 2012 in the life of You May Say I'm a Dreamer, since I won't be posting until January 7th as I'm off on holiday tomorrow!
Made friends with the bees and ate manuka honey straight from the hive.
Said goodbye to the Wairarapa, which had been my home for nearly a year and a half.
Was reminded of how lucky we are to live in such a wonderful country when we went on a hike up a hill that nearly killed us.
I settled back into Wellington nicely and tried out my new/old Agfa camera around the city.
Joshua and I became models for a day for my sister's school photography project.
I celebrated my 24th birthday with a homemade Italian feast.
I started my Wednesday Writers series, which introduced me to a whole lot of fabulous authors over the next few months.
My sister, mum and I went on the hunt for the perfect vintage ball dress for my sister.
Joshua and I got well and truly settled into our new home, our first place together.
My body decided it didn't want to eat meat anymore, so I became a pescaterian - a vegetarian who still eats fish.
I participated in National Novel Writing Month and won! I now have a 50,000 word novel waiting to be edited.
Summer arrived!
Have a fabulous new year everyone, stay safe, be merry, and I'll see you in 2013!