"Lend me your eyes I can change what you see, but your soul you must keep totally free."
Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Don't mean to show off or anything, but my weekend was FANTABULISCIOUS! Because that's a word...
I saw Mumford in Sons in concert last night and it was truly the most amazing concert I've been to so far! I could write all day about the amazingness of it, but you all would probably want to punch me out of jealousy if you're a fan...
But I will say this - Mumford and Sons play the most beautiful music I have ever heard, and the best part about this concert was the fact that it was played in such a tiny venue. So tiny in fact, that they took the opportunity to play acoustically for two songs. When they said they were going to do it, little sis and I thought, oh yeah, they'll still have the mics and everything, they'll just strum the guitar and maybe the banjo. But no, they ditched all technology, grouped together at the front of the stage, asked for everyone to be quiet (and actually waited for us to be quiet before they started - everyone was ssshhhing, it felt like we were back in primary school assembly) and played... beautifully... hypnotised us...
I got a video of some of it on my new phone (note the sexy Instagram pic above) - although it's only about 30secs because I would much rather enjoy a concert than record it all or take heaps photos of it. So once I figure out how to get the video from my phone onto my blog, I shall post it.
Have a fab week everyone!