Because of Labour weekend last weekend, it's been a short and sweet week, with a very busy weekend coming up, which is kind of good because I suffer from what Joshua likes to call "Weekenditis" - if I'm not doing anything I get a little bit weird. It's definitely been an inspiring week, and also a week of reflection... so here's what's making me happy this week...
♥ The prospect of spoiling Joshua on his birthday with hugs and kisses and meatloaf wrapped in bacon for dinner tonight...
♥ Getting an email inviting me to the NaNoWriMo kick off party on Sunday - eep! I'm really doing this, what a nutbar
♥ Getting serious about my research for my novel, Missing Since Tuesday, by meeting with a Wellington Railways expert at the archives - think I might have to take a day off work sometime soon to trawl through all those amazing old photos, so fascinating!
♥ Having a rare "I have nothing to do" moment, which I spent cruising through my old Facebook photos, smiling over the little things that have changed and the little things that haven't over the last five years or so, and also smiling over the beautiful memories of summers past, wondering what memories are in store for us this summer