Flying high Friday


You know how I give you a Monday dose of inspiration to start off your week? Well, I saw this Things I Love Thursday post that Gala Darling does, and thought, "I can do that", so every Friday I'm going to send some positive vibes your way and recount the positive things that came out of my week, and I invite you to do the same in the comments below or on your own blog! If you already do it on your blog or if you plan to, let me know, leave me the link, and I'll pop over and have a read!

So here goes...

The big event this week was my younger brother's birthday, and in my family, we make a pretty big deal about birthdays, which I love. We have our silly little traditions like singing Happy Birthday really, really badly; raising a toast to the birthday boy/girl; and pretending we all have to go "find our wallets" when we go and get the presents. Birthdays always make me so happy and thankful to have a family like I do - one that will go out of their way to make your birthday a special day.

Other things making me happy this week:
Eating the most amazing gluten and dairy-free chocolate cupcakes, which my brother's girlfriend made for his birthday
Walking out of the house to the first warm morning all week this morning
Seeing delicate daffodils and blossoms survive gale force winds that so many windows, trampolines and trees did not
Having an amazing work out at the gym on Monday, which got rid of all my aches and pains for the week
Going on a date with my sister last night, where, as usual, we acted like we hadn't seen each other in a year and talked non-stop

What's made you happy this week, friends?

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