A couple of days ago I was so desperate for spring that I spent my walk home from the train station searching for a sign, any sign of it, and I found a tiny blossom peeking through on an otherwise barren tree. I went to take a photo of it last night, but my battery died, then I went to charge said battery and my charger died, so I can't use my camera right now, which is a little annoying since I've been without it for weeks as my sister's been using it and there are so many things I want to capture right now, but never mind, out comes the credit card for a new charger - I can't be without my camera this close to spring! So the photo above is not mine, it's from here.
It's. Just. So. Close. I smelt it in the air yesterday when we were treated to a rare day of sunshine after weeks of rain and grey skies, and I've decided that I'm over winter. It's time for spring! Seven days to go!