Morning everyone and a Happy Monday to you! Hope your week has started as well as mine - just got myself and my sister tickets to Mumford and Sons in November! So excited!
This week I have a couple of exciting things coming up on You May Say I'm a Dreamer. Part three of Strawberry Jammin' will be coming your way and I have a new weekly feature starting on Wednesday, which I'm calling either Midweek Authors or Wednesday Writers (thoughts?), where I share with you an interview with a published author, who, through a series of questions, tells us about who they are, their love of writing, their challenges and triumphs, and may also share some of their writing secrets like that problem we all face: How on Earth do you combat procrastination?
So make sure you check in on Wednesday, where I'll be featuring Kristi Jones, author of The Corpse Goddess.
Have a fabulous week! xo