Morning all, and a Happy Monday to you! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! I spent most of my weekend preparing stuff for moving into my new flat in two weeks, very excited about that - finally get to use all the stuff that's been collecting dust in the back of the garage since my 21st.
It also proved to be a very inspiring weekend in terms of my author dreams. I read a really inspiring story about the changing face of publishing. It was about these three Wellington women who got fed up with publishing houses rejecting them because their work wasn't "trendy" so they decided to self-publish both eBooks and real books, and the great thing is, they're actually making money from it! So it's nice to know that there are other options out there if you want to get published these days. I guess the key is knowing how to market yourself, and, for me, this knowledge has made me so much more inspired to get on with my writing because self publishing is slowly losing its stigma - the one that says "if you have to self publish, that must mean your work is no good". Although I'm sure there's a lot of bad self published stuff out there, the ones that make money off it obviously have something well worth reading, so that's positive.
I also found a trilogy that sounds really good and that I'm planning to read next year (I've decided I'm reading only New Zealand novels next year) called Children of War by Deborah Challinor. It's based in New Zealand and explores our country's history from the late 1800's through to the 1930's, so I'm really excited to dig my claws into that one.
So I hope you all have a fabulous week, and make sure you check in on Wednesday for my second installment of Wednesday Writers, where I'm talking to Sydney-based Chick Lit author Manique McDonell. (See last week's interview here). I'm also planning on putting up some more of my Strawberry Jammin' story, along with a delish recipe or two!