The times when I find that I have no time at all are often my favorite types of times, if that makes any sense.
What made this particular weekend so unique was that I finally am stacking up my indie concert credentials (ha-ha). It was my first bonafied "indie" concert, you could say.
The concert in question was Margot & The Nuclear So and Sos at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco. I went for the opener, Telekinesis. And it was so amazingly great. It was such a different experience than going to The Warfield to see something like Metro Station (there were no drunken girls flinging themselves at the stage to try to touch any part of the lead singer's body they could get a hold of, for instance.)
I didn't really know any songs from Margot & The Nuclear So and So's album except the Children on Acid song (that's not the exact title, but you get the point) but now I really want to listen to it over and over. They were really really really great live.
I just freaking love concerts, I've decided. Especially this new breed of live music I've been introduced to. It's made me think about all the bands I would die to see. My music taste has seriously evolved over the last few months, and seeing these bands would top off my life:
1) Sigur Ros

2) Death Cab For Cutie (seeing them in July in Berkeley!)
3) Matt & Kim (seeing them possibly in August?)
4) Tokyo Police Club
5) Andrew Bird
6) Imogen Heap
7) Jimmy Eat World
8) Coldplay
9) Silversun Pickups
10) Shiny Toy Guns (pre-new singer...if only :/)
There are probably loads more, too. I just wish I could see them allllll.