This time change has made me feel like my days are shorter, which I think it the opposite of what it's supposed to do, right? sigh. It probably has more to do with the fact that I have play rehearsals until five or so and by the time I go home and find time to rest a bit, the night is settling in.
The days themselves are getting clearer and all the flowers are blooming! I'm so happy to live in California on days like these. Except it's still cold! around 50 degrees everyday...grr. I know that's warmer than a lot of the US at this time of year but still...I want some 75 degree weather, please!
But really, when it comes down to it: all I want to do is go to the beach and wear my new sandals. Is that so much to ask of you, Life?
I am consoled, though, because this Saturday I'll be journeying with my sister to San Francisco for the day. We both agreed to not have a plan whatsoever. Prom dress shopping is inevitable, but beach walking and street exploration is even more so. I just love that city so much.
I finally finished registerting for my SATs the other day. Why is it so complicated to do so? So many questions about my activities, relgious preferences and ethnicity--and all for just a test!
But I had to pick at least four schools to send my test scores to (yikes). I chose (in order of likeliness of my acceptance):
San Francisco State University
UC Santa Cruz
UC Davis
UC Berkeley
It's a longshot that I'd get into the last two or three, but I'm hoping for the best! I really want to look into more Art Academies, though, too....but I haven't had too much time...all of the ones in SF look lovely and I'm not really aware of many others nearby so I have a lot of research to do...blah! Oh, and I completely forgot that California College of the Arts existed until they sent me a letter! I'll definitely be looking into that soon...
au revoir for now,